Eat: Cooking Without Recipes

What's in Your Pantry?

In his recent cookbook No-Recipe Recipes, Sam Sifton reminds his readers that we don’t need a recipe, but “you do need a pantry.” I was reminded of his playful advice when I very happily completed the construction of my kitchen in our small New York apartment with my partner, Steven, who happens to be an exceptional home cook and an accomplished architect. He designed a beautiful kitchen, and it is time to fill the pantry.

I can’t remember a time when I had an entirely empty pantry just awaiting all the products that I love. For a retailer like me, who loves to cook, this is a dream. I mean, I love to cook, but I also love to forage for the very best products I can find. I have loved to “play shop” since I can remember. Organizing the kitchen drawer was always fun for me (yes, I am a proud food & wine nerd). Seems natural I would own a specialty food shop, but I digress. I sat in my kitchen making a list of items I need, and I realized, I was writing a “Pantry List.”

I admittedly, feel some responsibility to fill this pantry in such a way that it illustrates to Steven my gratitude for this beautiful space in which we will cook, laugh, eat, and dance. I also want to encourage him to let go of the recipe, freeing himself to just cook, as Sam Sifton suggests. The items in the pantry should ignite a creative impulse. To do so necessitates a solid pantry. What is that? Well, here is my list. It is not all inclusive, but it is a good start. With this list, you can always assemble something delicious and nourishing.

It is my intention to provide most of these basic ingredients at the Gourmet, so all you need to do is visit the local Grower’s Market and grab the fresh stuff!

On the Shelf—Flour, Sugar, and baking powder

Canned Fish—tuna, anchovies

Dried Fruit & Nuts

Pasta, Rice & Grains, Bullion, Dried Beans

Oils & Vinegars

Salt & Pepper

Dried Herbs & Spices

Green Peppercorns

Canned Tomato & Paste

Condiments—Dijon mustard, Grainy mustard, Harissa, Tahini, Cornichons, Capers, Olives

Bread—stale and fresh

In the Fridge—Butter, Eggs, Cheese, Plain Yogurt

Cured Meats— Bacon, Prosciutto, Pancetta

Vegetables—Carrots, Celery, Potatoes, Onions, Garlic, Shallots, leeks

Lemons & Limes (the second is more for the G&T while I cook)

In the Freezer—Peas, Stock, Yeast, and Tortellini

Now that we have the list of ingredients, how do we begin to cook without recipes? Find out in my next Eat Blog Post & Join us at the Pantry Classes at the shop!

Eat Drink & Think,


Just a few examples of meals that were created from one ingredient…

Maria Chiancola